This film is only great for~~
15 April 2019
This film's investors and their relatives or friends. This movie is actually so badly scripted, directed and acted. A weak storyline, got nothing important enough to say, I just saw some bimbos and weak male actors who acted just like some electricians or plumbers came to your house to fix something, they don't have any passion for their jobs, just do what their company's dispatcher assigned the jobs to do.

This is such a completely unnecessary movie, more like a gossipy tabloid story, so hollow and so spiritless. My wife tried to watch it for about 10 minutes, then simply bowed out. She said to me: "I don't know what's the purpose of making this movie, my eyes are watching it, but my mind is elsewhere. It's such an uninteresting movie even worse than those made by Lifetime Channel and on par with the Hallmark movies".
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