Review of Yajamana

Yajamana (2019)
Disappointed... And got headache
5 March 2019
I was very eagerly waited to watch this movie since ,this film was trending??(may faked) on YouTube, but utterly disappointed after watching it , Illogical story , irritating dialogues, senseless casting, over buildup hero stuff, inappropriate script, madly pictured action scenes, flawfull editing....I felt very disappointed n wasted time .. Darshan some how manages a very large active social media team ...i Guess this team fakes those trends'" feeding false n hatemongering data through his innocent fans" on social media its now a kind of mafia, if someone questions them , enfs with receiving death threats "

Sorry this film is only for his fanatic fans" I'm sure all these hype will diminish before this weekend "

Title Yajamana is nowhere justified for this movie, if fans believes that this hero name only can create buzz then why use a old superhit movie's name,, your logics commits suicide here..

I don't recommend to watch" sorry fans my ticket was not sponsored by you ...
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