Review of Convicted

Convicted (1938)
Loyal sister and great detective
7 March 2019
Rita Hayworth was a woman on the upward move in her Hollywood career. Convicted was one of a series of B films she did honing her craft before she became Columbia Picture's ruling queen. Studio head Harry Cohn brought her along slowly, but the results were worth it.

The role in Convicted call for a couple of dance numbers and as we know before she was Rita Hayworth she was Marguerite Carmen Cansino of the Dancing Casinos. Hayworth is the sister of Edgar Edwards and she's trying to break up his romance with golddigger Phyllis Clare. When Clare is strangled Edwards is found bending over the body at the scene by a maid. Her testimony convicts Edwards and he's facing the electric chair.

That's when his loyal sister goes to work with some help from police detective Charles Quigley who never quite believed Edwards was guilty.

Other than Rita Hayworth the only other person who had any real career in the cast is Marc Lawrence who plays both a nightclub owner and owner of the building where Clare was killed.

Convicted is a chance to see a star being born.
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