Review of 10x10

10x10 (2018)
JEER - (4 stars out of 10)
9 March 2019
The stage curtains open ...

It's really hard to talk about this movie without spoiling it ... but, I will do my best not to. Let's just say that nothing is as it seems - sounds familiar, I know. It's another one of those kind of movies.

The movie starts with a man watching a woman, and then eventually, abducting her and taking her to his rural home in the trees. He drags her inside the house and throws her into a 10x10 padded room (hence the movie's title). Right away, you are intrigued. Why does he have her there? Why all the preparation of the room, hiding the room, and why her? The movie does a good job of building the suspense and the questions are coming up right and left as it begins to develop. I actually liked the story and the reason why she was there.

My problem with the movie, though, is in how the answer is delivered. I felt this was a missed opportunity for something really special. First - for having "months" to prepare for this, he really wasn't too bright. Abducting her in broad daylight, in the middle of a shopping center parking lot - she even got out some shouts for help (but, of course, the ONLY person in the vicinity is wearing headphones and listening to loud Then when he gets home, before he takes her out of the trunk of his car, he just leaves the garage door open. There is a reason for this - a real eye roller too. And then he isn't quick to notice that she still has her cell phone on her, even inside the secret room.

She isn't too bright either ... for starters, there is one point in the film where she manages to knock him out cold. And instead of taking his gun, she wastes time trying to get out the door, use his phone ... pretty much everything except for the one thing she should have done. But, I guess if she would've done that, we'd have no spectacular ending - which really isn't that spectacular.

I can't recommend this one. The idea of the movie was better than the movie itself. This could've been so much better. The promise just got worse and worse as the movie wore on. Too bad. I just hate seeing great ideas go to waste like this one.
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