WrestleMania XIV (1998 TV Special)
More Cultural Event Than Great Wrestling Showcase
15 March 2019
WrestleMania 14 goes down as one of the most memorable of all-time. DX, Mike Tyson, and Stone Cold have all "aged well" in WWE lore. After recently re-watching this event, however, I found it to be indeed a cultural touchstone, but also somewhat lacking in great matches.

The first four matches on the card are all duds. Then, at least things start to pick up a bit with The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock. Shamrock will never be the most flamboyant pro wrestler (despite being obviously the best real fighter of the entire mix), but here they showcase Rock's vocal talents and continue to lean into that angle (with good reason considering he's so smooth at the mic).

The New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie is kind of a mess, but at least an iconic one with the use of the dumpster.

The penultimate battle really ratchets up the intensity, with Undertaker squaring off against "brother" Kane. Pound for pound, I would consider this match the overall best on the card. The buildup is superb and the match itself is well-executed and entertaining.

Then, of course, there is Michaels (now the lead DX-er) vs. Austin, with Tyson looming in seemingly all corners. Again, this match isn't the greatest in terms of technical skill excitement, but the charisma of both participants (as well as how well DX and the Austin brands had been built up) still make it feel like a major event.

What WM 14 signals, at least to me, is that the WWE is truly embracing their Attitude Era signification rather than sort of being embarrassed by it. Now, the fingers and lewd gestures are front-and-center, and the crowd loves it. Call it debasement or call it entertainment, but either way you look at it the WWE wins in terms of publicity or buzz.
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