Who could not fall in love with that accent?
27 April 2019
Young Nicholas Downs is an early 30 something gay man who is a successful on line columnist who can't get himself a date. The anonymity of the internet works well for him because he lacks a lot of personal self confidence. His roommate Adams Huss makes up for more than enough. He's a part time actor between gigs and earning nice money as a go go boy in gay bar where nightly his cowboy boots are stuffed with folding money.

One day his blog is answered by David Loren a really nice and charming Texas kid with the accent to match. Only he thinks he's answered the roommate's ad.

Cutting to the chase this is a 21st century version of the John Alden/Priscilla Mullins romance with a bit of Cyrano de Bergerac thrown in. It's nicely packaged in every sense of the phrase and the players are charming. There's a nice performance by Bruce Gray as the older gay roommate of Loren. We should all have a wise man like him in our gay lives.

And who could not fall in love with Loren's Texas drawl.
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