Little Woods (2018)
an impressive performance
1 May 2019
By Tessa Thmpson, the panamanian-african-american-mexican lead actress in this rather depressing story of american realism. its upstate,i guess dakotas, near thge canadian border, its freezing cold and how to survive as an ex-criminal under circumstances dictated by the american judicial and welfare system doesnt give any free hands at all. its dire straits on the financial front, and she has to enter the tracks as criminal again, by selling a-class prescripted pills to make an income to fullfill her dream of going west to the state of washington to start a new life. but it aint that simple youll find out if you watch the film yourself. so as meat loaf once wrote,''loving you is a dirty job, but somebodys got to do it'' might be a good symbollism to this flick

ive bragged already about tessa, but should not forget her co actress lilly james, who does her best performance that ive seen by her. the filming,locations and choice of music are good, but even though its a short playlength on this flick it felt longer due to slow pace. also somethings in the plot are not thourougly enough explained, but i guess thats because im not a native american.

its a recommended watch thinks the forever grumpy old man
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