Legion (1998 TV Movie)
Routine rip-off
8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
LEGION is a B-movie science fiction flick from 1998 which still seems keen to reprise tropes and plot elements from 1980s classics. This makes it feel very dated when you consider that THE MATRIX would revolutionise the genre merely a year later. The plot is the same old age-old yarn in which a group of convicts are given a chance at freedom if they undertake a deadly mission, which seems to consist of exploring a space factory. Once there they're unceremoniously bumped off one by one by creature(s) unknown. This is a dark and dingy affair, mildly gruesome for a television movie, but singularly unsuspenseful. Cast members include a geeky Corey Feldman and STAR TREK actress Terry Farrell, while the whole thing rips off ALIENS and PREDATOR, either of which you'd be better off revisiting instead of sticking with this.
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