An entertaining British thriller, which illustrates how the most brilliantly conceived, meticulously planned crime can begin to go pear-shaped once a few imponderables find their way into the mix. The over zealous guard, interfering passengers,( the inevitable drunk, the kid from Hell and the winner of a Richard Wattis look-alike contest) and an unfamiliar interior coach design rendering the loot almost impenetrable all conspire to make the task far more challenging than originally imagined. That's before even considering the self-inflicted wound. Why you would include a gang member who's half dead with an ulcer is any ones guess!
Lastly, for those of us who spent our formative years in the days of steam; it appears that the same train, making the same journey on the same track is hauled by at least three different locomotives. That's library footage for you.
Lastly, for those of us who spent our formative years in the days of steam; it appears that the same train, making the same journey on the same track is hauled by at least three different locomotives. That's library footage for you.