I think the producers lost their way and missed a great opportunity to reach the masses with this movie. They seem to be focused entirely on the question of whether Bob Lazar is trustworthy or not. He went through this process 30 years ago. Since then we've had more than enough evidence to show that the Government of the United States of America have lied about everything from Pearl Harbour through to the attacks of 9/11. What I was hoping for is new information and not a rehash of old information or the question of whether the US regime is hiding things from the public (you'd have to have been born yesterday to believe that they EVER tell the truth). It's badly edited, badly narrated - Mickey Rourke?! Seriously? He mumbles his way through without apparently moving his lips - his speech has gone the same way as his acting ability. This movie does nothing for the Truth, but the Truth IS out there folks!