This film begins with a young woman by the name of "Paris" (Carrie Genzel) sneaking out of her house late at night in order to elope to Las Vegas with her boyfriend "Liam" (Jeff Fahey). Unfortunately, while camping out under the stars that same night things take a tragic turn for the worse when two thugs appear on the scene and proceed to shoot Liam and subsequently rape and kill Paris. And although Liam eventually recovers from his wounds he is still psychologically haunted from his ordeal. It's during this time that Paris' best friend "Laura" (Ami Dolenz) appears and helps bring him back to some degree of normalcy. Yet even then he remains emotionally fragile. That being the case-and to take his mind off of things-he volunteers for an experiement involving virtual reality. However, upon doing so things begin to really spiral out of control when he comes face to face with-none other than-Paris. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I remember watching this movie on television when it first came out and rather liked it at the time. Admittedly, the made-for-television format and the somewhat predictable plot limited its overall appeal to a certain degree but even so there were a couple of suspenseful scenes here and there which helped in that regard. Be that as it may, while it isn't a great film by any means, it managed to pass the time fairly well and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.