this time girl chases boy.
2 July 2019
Gene Raymond, in a slightly different role....usually, he chases girl, uses trickery to date girl, girl treats him like dirt, and suddenly she can't live without him. Here, girl chases him! This one was oscar nominated, but before you get too excited, it was only for best sound recording. At the opening, french girl Nikki abandons her groom, and drives away, singing like mad. Lily Pons, the famed coloratura, according to her bio on imdb. every couple minutes, she breaks into song, which gets SO annoying, since its so florid and so high. now the whole crowd is singing along, and playing a game where they pass the cork from nose to nose... must be a french thang. This was one of only FOUR acting roles for Pons, as she spent most of her time performing. Jack Oakie is the wacky sidekick. and Jimmy Dorsey is one of the band members, according to the cast list. Lucy is "Claire" ! so much time spent hiding the girl. and more singing at the highest octave possible. ouch. On the plus side, there are some clever gags in here. Lucy does her pratfalls, while the guys try to hide the stow-away, and the restaurant owner cleverly mixes up his english, Marx Brothers style. and a fun song "Our nephew from Nice". I would have preferred more plot and less singing by Pons, but they didn't ask me. It's not bad. Not Great, but not bad. Directed by Leigh Jason. Jason had also directed one of my favorite films "The Bride Walks Out", hilarious film, also with Gene Raymond.
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