Hemlock Grove (2013–2015)
Sorry we can't rate individual seasons. (Minor spoilers)
7 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season one was very good, strong murder mystery meets twin peaks, meets supernatural. The slow reveal worked nicely, they kept you wondering and guessing for most things, though some obvious things (one big one) was fairly easy to guess.

Season two felt like it lost its way. Trying to hold it together, Joel De La Fuente as the weird doctor really caught my attention and kept me interested.

Season three .....well, it tried. But didn't not work. The bright spot was the Shelly story ......the actor who played the love interest was just wonderful. The fall of the 'big bad' was premature and lackluster. And forgive if this is too much a spoiler.....Peter...gone then back. Lame. The worst failure was the last five minutes and the final fight. I can only assume the writers were planning season four and when they got canceled they reshot the end to wrap up the series somehow. But in watching it you want to just turn it off and say 'Really? That sucked'. After binge watching the entire series, I must say how disappointed the last episode made me feel. The only redeeming aspects were the return of the Shelly love story and the lovely Olivia in her final moments which was creepy with excellent makeup and effects.

I recommend just skipping the final episode, you are better off with a slight mystery and some open questions then what was offered to the viewer.
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