You can disagree with the message or put your expectations on other subjects which need to be enlightened based on what you feel is important. But to vote it down with one star does say a lot about yourself. The message is clear and true, the music is picked out in harmony with the images even if you don't like both. Could go on like this forever but I won't.
The things is, we as a audiance, when we agree on something or not need to vote the truth. Lies destroy future productions , that's what I think. Vote a 6 fine, vote a 1, that's a simple lie.
Come on people, we are grown ups I thought...
The things is, we as a audiance, when we agree on something or not need to vote the truth. Lies destroy future productions , that's what I think. Vote a 6 fine, vote a 1, that's a simple lie.
Come on people, we are grown ups I thought...