Congo Maisie (1940)
second of ten
12 August 2019
In Congo, showgirl Maisie Ravier (Ann Sothern) is a stowaway on a river boat. The boat has mechanical problems and Maisie joins Dr. Michael Shane (John Carroll) to walk to his former medical station at a plantation. He had become disillusioned with rubber plantation management. Dr. John McWade is the new head of the station and his wife Kay is the station hostess.

I actually don't care about Shane. There are lots of confused romantic stray arrows flying around. I would simply make it all about Maisie. She could stumble upon the medical station by herself. She could still solve their marriage problems and she could do the whole rain dance by herself. I am surprised that this character got ten movies. If it's all about her, it would justify that kind of endurance. She's almost a side character in her own movie. For the confrontation with the witch doctor, it is less racist than I expected. It's somewhat thrilling and well put together. That section really sells the movie.
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