Another remake by Maclean Rogers of a quota quickie he made in the thirties (presumably he was responsible for the 'topical' gags that are sprinkled throughout this new version). Wally Patch, who co-wrote the earlier version in which he originally played the title role, plays a villainous supporting role this time round.
As usual, it's painful to see a book supposedly worth thousands (Volume 1 of 'The Philosophy of Diogenes' on this occasion) being roughly handled by people who plainly have no idea how to really handle rare books (or any books at all, since Dandy Nichols casually admits at one point to tearing a few pages from the back of an old algebra text book to make hair-curlers out of).
As usual, it's painful to see a book supposedly worth thousands (Volume 1 of 'The Philosophy of Diogenes' on this occasion) being roughly handled by people who plainly have no idea how to really handle rare books (or any books at all, since Dandy Nichols casually admits at one point to tearing a few pages from the back of an old algebra text book to make hair-curlers out of).