This was my first Ratchet & Clank game, and I wanted to write a positive review. Until I played some of the other games in the series and, wow. This game fails in comparison. The story is okay, the game is mostly fun, but there's not a lot of platforming, the puzzles if you can even call them puzzles, are very rare, Clank serves no use in this game even in the platforming sections, so it's like he's not even there, in the mini games aren't great either, especially the racing which is atrocious. And when the best weapon in Your Arsenal, the franchise famous for crazy and over-the-top fun to use weapons, is the standard pistol you get at the beginning of the game? You know you messed up. Hold a good guns require you to beat the game multiple times to unlock, and if the game isn't great the first time you play it, why should you play it again? And most of the bosses are terrible as well. Giant Clank isn't even a boss, battleship in the flying Clank Mission can piss off, you can basically only beat Luna if you have the shock rocket, the final boss had 2 really great beginning phases, the last phase was awful, easily the hardest in the series. Overall the game is kind of fun, and you do have to cut it some slack, because it wasn't even made by insomniac, and if you're new to the series I'd recommend playing this game first. Only because if you played the other games, and came back to this one you would have no fun with it you'd be spoiled. Oh and yeah the game does have a shrink ray, but you only use it for like three levels, in the grind locks. And that's in the cutscenes you don't even use it in game. Missed opportunity. Mediocre game.
Review of Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
(2007 Video Game)
Decent video game, bad Ratchet & Clank game.
30 August 2019