Fahrenheit 9/11 starts with Trump ( and it's honestly beyond me how anyone could watch that disturbing sequence about him and his daughter and feel anything but repulsion), and then claims to pursue how things could go so far. However, what follows is not a coherent picture of modern America, but rather a series of different issues like the Flint water crisis, the West Virginia teacher strike, and the Parkland school shooting and its fallout which speak for disenchantment with politics on the one side, but show civil activism on the other side. While these issues are very illuminating and engaging, showing the horrible way the government treats its people, and certainly should be revealed to a larger audience, the relation to Trump sometimes feels very flimsy. I got the impression Moore was working on a film project when Trump happened and tried to connect his material with Trump in hindsight.
Moore - as usual - does not mince words and criticizes both the Republicans and the Democrats, showcasing their connections to the economic sector and the way the undermine the democratic process. But Moore is also self-critical and recognizes his own failings. In line with this, Moore often holds back and lets others speak.
As it is the nature of political documentaries, Fahrenheit 11/9 is highly manipulative. Moore clearly knows how to evoke a strong emotional response in his viewers. I, for one, was very stricken throughout the film. But one should always be aware that this is a highly manipulative and ideological piece and employ critical thinking. The Trump/Hitler comparison is certainly problematic. While Moore concedes at first that comparisons with Hitler are problematic but that similar patterns are apparent - and this is definitely true - he completely undermines this reasoning by cutting together images of Hitler with a soundtrack of Trump. Also, every German high school student could probably tell him that the picture he paints of pre-WWII Germany is not right at all.
In conclusion I would say Fahrenheit 11/9 makes for an interesting and engaging film, shining light on very important issues, however it has an incoherent structure and the relation between some issues and Trump are quite dubious. Moreover, you should always be aware of the underlying ideology.
Moore - as usual - does not mince words and criticizes both the Republicans and the Democrats, showcasing their connections to the economic sector and the way the undermine the democratic process. But Moore is also self-critical and recognizes his own failings. In line with this, Moore often holds back and lets others speak.
As it is the nature of political documentaries, Fahrenheit 11/9 is highly manipulative. Moore clearly knows how to evoke a strong emotional response in his viewers. I, for one, was very stricken throughout the film. But one should always be aware that this is a highly manipulative and ideological piece and employ critical thinking. The Trump/Hitler comparison is certainly problematic. While Moore concedes at first that comparisons with Hitler are problematic but that similar patterns are apparent - and this is definitely true - he completely undermines this reasoning by cutting together images of Hitler with a soundtrack of Trump. Also, every German high school student could probably tell him that the picture he paints of pre-WWII Germany is not right at all.
In conclusion I would say Fahrenheit 11/9 makes for an interesting and engaging film, shining light on very important issues, however it has an incoherent structure and the relation between some issues and Trump are quite dubious. Moreover, you should always be aware of the underlying ideology.