Every episode is the same format
Plus, 90% of the "players" come across as stiff rather than funny.
ive seen just about every episode and i havent laughed at SNL in many years. it's more like i get aggravated.
Here's the format...
1. potus political skit (2nd worst part of the show)
2. monologue (usually painful to watch)
3. phony commercial (overdone usually)
4. "player" written bit (usually funny)
5. musical performance (flavor of the month)
6. weekend update (worst part of show, 2 stiffs)
7. sketch (not funny)
8. sketch (50/50 whether its funny)
9. musical performance (flavor of the month)
10. sketch (usually this one is extra painful)
11. closing theme A (best part of the show)