Walking about Manila and the surrounding countryside during the early sixties, film crews noisily reenacting the war in the Pacific must have been almost as common a sight as roadworks are in London today.
The relative brevity of John Saxon's role suggests his scenes were shot fairly quickly; but in addition to the usual picturesque locations and energetic gunplay, this one is enlivened by the novelty of nuns and Maureen O'Hara's daughter Bronwyn Fitzsimons in her first (and last) film lead as the big-haired American blonde they are sheltering.
The relative brevity of John Saxon's role suggests his scenes were shot fairly quickly; but in addition to the usual picturesque locations and energetic gunplay, this one is enlivened by the novelty of nuns and Maureen O'Hara's daughter Bronwyn Fitzsimons in her first (and last) film lead as the big-haired American blonde they are sheltering.