's really bad? Like, it's disjointed, there are technical errors all over the place, the acting is terrible, and it is just extremely cheap. It isn't even a new movie, technically. It's the last movie, Cool Cat Saves the Kids (which in itself was just put together from a series of short films), with a few extra scenes and some George Lucas-style edits, most of which seem to have been made in direct response to Your Movie Sucks' review of the film, which is hilarious. Could you imagine if Rian Johnson went back and re-edited The Last Jedi because of a particular bad review? So yeah, this movie sucks, but it's so bad it's actually really funny. I really enjoyed it! I couldn't sleep afterward and Cool Cat was in my dreams but I still enjoyed it! Buy the DVD on eBay! I actually got two in the mail because Derek Savage the director accidentally double-mailed my order. He said I can keep it. Great! It came with one of the Cool Cat books and a keychain too! Very good package, highly recommended! Go watch it now with a few drunk friends! You'll be in for a wild night.
Review of Cool Cat Kids Superhero
Cool Cat Kids Superhero
Oh yeah, I guess this technically came out in 2018...
15 September 2019