Imagine if John Carpenter had decided to combine his remake of THE THING with ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13, and set it in a hospital, like in HALLOWEEN 2. Add to that, the murdering madness of EVENT HORIZON, and the overarching, occult horror of HP Lovecraft, seasoned with a dash of HELLRAISER, and you're close to THE VOID.
If you're one who craves practical monster / gore effects that work, then watch this film! If you want grisly, intense action, then look no further! When it all hits the fan, it breaks the blades! Suspense? In spades, along with a fantastic sense of mystery, bleakness and impending doom. Satisfying throughout, the final abomination is a wonder to behold!
As an homage, this movie pushes every button its bloody fingers reach for! As a horror story, it proves what can still be accomplished with some imagination and skill...
If you're one who craves practical monster / gore effects that work, then watch this film! If you want grisly, intense action, then look no further! When it all hits the fan, it breaks the blades! Suspense? In spades, along with a fantastic sense of mystery, bleakness and impending doom. Satisfying throughout, the final abomination is a wonder to behold!
As an homage, this movie pushes every button its bloody fingers reach for! As a horror story, it proves what can still be accomplished with some imagination and skill...