Why did they cancel
23 September 2019
Being a fan of Wayne from Mash and him my favorite character and not understanding at the time why he left the hit show I was thrilled to see him in this unique new show. I watched it diligently as it aired and really was confounded why the network didn't give it more of a chance similar to how Mash originally tanked then the networked moved it around to find its glory time slot. I never forgot the show and spoke about it frequently as the topic of Mash would come up and the what ever happen to Wayne Roger conversation arose. It seemed no one knew it existed so it didn't have much of a chance so I suppose it was lack of advertising.

I have not seen the show since it originally aired in 1976 and would love to find it somewhere. I really loved his acting style seemingly effortless and could never understand how he didn't prevail better in his career. Most people I talk to about Mash thought he was in the show a lot longer then 3 season and many of them feel he was the best character. That's the kind of impact he had and same with City Of Angels I never forgot about this short run series.
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