Slowly getting there...
7 November 2019
The movie is not great, but as for the Lithuanian cinema content, it's a gradual improvement. But still, I would not recommend this movie if you are looking for a fun movie to bring your mood back. If you still will gonna try this movie out, you might get insulted with the bad jokes and stupid comedy...

Although some people in the cinema tremendously enjoyed the action. And most of the jokes, for me were funny because one guy in the front row was constantly laughing. I don't know maybe he has something the Joker had, but it helped with the general movie experience. Without that single guy, I would have rated this movie even lower...

The movie cast is very mixed, some actors are terrible, some are quite decent so it is sort of mixed bag. The movie has quite a few glitches with the soundtrack volume levels and general order.

For myself, the movie felt as if it was built from different puzzle sets, it had a few good moments. At quite a few terrible ones. It has a long build-up and the suddenly ends, as if it was supposed to be way longer, but got cut in the middle of production.
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