Check Inn to Christmas (2019 TV Movie)
Mostly same old stuff
28 November 2019
It seems like the writers for this movie took a whole bunch of previous scripts and pulled out all the themes and put them into this one. Some of them are: save-the-family-inn, I'm-up-for-promotion-in-far-away=city, family-feud-keeps-us-apart, and traditional-town-Christmas-celebration, and small-town-values-beats-big-corporation. What was slightly unusual about this movie was combining the family feud with save-the-inns so that it was two inns to save instead of one.

The romance between Ryan and Julia takes a distant back seat to the family competition and business threat. As a result, it was a struggle for the leads to demonstrate chemistry together. Their relationship was more like peacemakers than romantic partners. I think the actors felt this and it showed a little in their performances. I say this with some disappointment because I am a huge fan of Rachel Boston.

I think the ending was pretty obvious and as usual for Hallmark, it tied up to many lose ends too neatly.
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