Danger Close (2019)
Reel vs Real
3 December 2019
As movies about real battles go, this one holds its own.

If I have a criticism it would be what director Kriv Stenders himself was worried about when he showed the film to the real Harry Smith and veterans of the battle. Stenders was concerned "... that a cinematic interpretation of the film, overdramatizing some moments and fictionalizing others, would be an issue with veterans of the battle".

Although Harry Smith told Stenders he thought the film was great, I feel those scenes, especially the exchanges between Major Smith (Travis Fimmel) and Private Large (Daniel Webber), the stereotypical "Hollywood" stuff, do sound a false note. However, the film is a technical triumph with a superb score and, for the most part, seems honest to events.

The film is similar to Mel Gibson's "We Were Soldiers": the unexpected enemy force; the cut-off platoon; helicopter pilots defying orders to provide aid and impressive firepower that doesn't overshadow the discipline and guts of the troops on the ground. Both were straightforward battles without civilians caught in the crossfire.

As an Australian, I'm not sure how non-Australian audiences will view "Danger Close". The accents could be challenging and the look of the Australians and New Zealanders is noticeably different to the helmeted U.S. Army and Marines familiar from documentaries and newsreels. Ever since the war, the respective tactics of the allies have been dissected in books and back-and-forth sessions on military history blogs. The Diggers of that era actually looked like the U.S. Army LRRPs or even the VC; styled for jungle warfare.

Another thought, a great victory is only in proportion to the toughness of the enemy. All accounts I've read also acknowledge the bravery of the Vietnamese. You do see it in the film, but it could have been stated.

Despite the rights and wrongs of Australia's involvement, Long Tan has emerged as one of our most iconic battles. Maybe it's partly guilt over the way Vietnam veterans were neglected for so long. Maybe it's also because not much was expected of the "Baby Boomers", but they stood up nonetheless.

Like Peter Weir's "Gallipoli", "Danger Close" will probably be how future generations will know this battle. With that in mind, the filmmakers and the stars, despite the odd flaw, have left us with a powerful and affecting experience.
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