Excellent work
25 October 2019
As evidenced by another review of this title, it is a shame that those who hate God will go to any length to emphatically assure everyone that any testimony affirming the Biblical record is hogwash; in this case, they state, "not challenged by history, science or logic" and "unable to stand up to any type of scrutiny", hoping you will trust their "expert" analysis at face value. That is a gross misrepresentation of this documentary and simply not true.

This particular film is, actually, all about standing up to scrutiny. The producers skillfully validate Biblical accounts with documented evidences from archaeology, non-religious writers, secular historians, historical record, extra-biblical literature and the precise fulfillment of Biblical prophecies through time. It is a scholarly, well-made, captivating work that is made easy for people to understand. Highly recommended.
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