A feel good boxing movie!
26 October 2019
It may seem surprising, but there are other directors in the land of Aki Kaurismaki. And they are making enjoyable films as well. "The happiest day ... " is a small but pleasant production situated in the '60s.

For the boxing genre the film is remarkable relaxed. This time not a touchy flammable Jake La Motta as the main character ("Raging bull", 1980, Martin Scorsese) but the somewhat shy Olli Maki. Olli is very realistic about his chances of becoming world champion in his weight class, but he has luckily other interests too.

This is in my opinion the essence of the movie. The ego of Olli Mäki (Jarkko Lahti) has not to be tempered but rather to be fueled. The relationship with his trainer is not very good, but this is not due to the fact (as in many other boxing movies) because his trainer is corrupt. It is the task of the trainer to raise the money for the title-fight and this cannot be done without some commercial events. Events Olli doesn't like because he is shy in the first place and in love in the second place (or the other way round).

For a film about a boxing title fight you would be surprised what, at the end of the day, has happened on the happiest day in the life of Olli Mäki.

In Holland the film showed only for a very short period of time and only in a couple of art house theaters, but it is nonetheless well worth seeing.
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