This is another childhood gem of mine and another one of my favorite sitcom shows. This show was one of the very first TV shows I actually watched about the time I was in Kindergarten, I honestly never seen anything like it as this was a show where a kid was the lead which at the time wasn't all that common place.
The show was truly a phenomon as it did spawn an animated series which I saw and enjoyed, despite the fact it's one of those animated oddities and by today's standards I find it ok, a fun time waster. Heck there was even recently a licensed comic book run on this show which was actually pretty good. As well as a couple of skits from the show "Robot Chicken" in which Soleil got to voice Punky. From those alone it just goes to show how timeless this show truly is.
The show has an interesting two-way effect, from enjoying it as a kid. And even as I watch the show now I still have fun with it because it's not just gives me the nolstagic vibe but also a journalistic viewpoint on what being a kid was like back then. I even like how watch this show could also be somewhat of a history lesson as it really shows a little of what being a kid in the 80's was like, as this show truly has the 80's decade written all over it.
I really love the theme song, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time, it's not just catchy but also really touching as it has this cheerful vibe to it.
The characters are all great from supporting characters like Margo. She's pretty much the rich and spoiled side of things. I really like how vanity obsessed she is almost as much as Kat on "Red Dwarf". But what I like about her is deep down that vain exterior she really does have a heart, she does care about her friends and having friends even though she doesn't always show it.
Cherie played by Cherie Johnson whom of course you may know as Maxine in "Family Matters". She's a really good number two for Punky, I like that her character is sort of on the shy and slightly non confidant side. But isn't afraid to help and be there when Punky needs it.
Henry played well by George Gaynes whom I of course also remember him as Eric Lasard in the "Police Academy" series. He's the father figure, I like how he can be a bit of a grouch sometimes when either Punky or anyone else mainly Cherie's aunt gives him a bit of grief.
Sandy whom play's Punky's dog Brandon whom is a golden retriever which is cool as my favorite kind of dog. He's cute and just well trained, it's kind of amazing how the dog really is on cue when ever the actors finish certain lines, he responds like that. It's even funny whenever the characters talk with Brandon and whenever he barks, they automatically know what he's saying, makes me wonder if Punky and company have gain telepathy.
And of course, Punky Brewster herself, played well by Soleil Moon Frye whom I think is an underrated comedic actress. She was my first celebrity crush (no surprise), she was just so beautiful inside and out, even today she still is. Anyway, it's hard not to love this character Punky; this character just had a lot of spunk hence her name. She has this naive innocence and I really love how energetic, active, and confidant she really is which goes with her famous expressive catch phrase "Punky Power".
From her bright colorful wardrobe which almost makes her as colorful as a Rainbow Brite doll or even the sixth Doctor's outfit from "Doctor Who". Which makes sense as bright colorful fashions were a trend in the 80's but it also perfectly reflects who she is and a way of showing she a person that does what makes her feel good and right.
This makes her not afraid of taking action like in one episode making a home-made exercise video. Another in a bizarre Halloween episode fighting off that big Shelabob like spider which was cool. Seeing the show now as an adult is actually interesting because the other thing about Punky is she acts like a real kid, most of the things she does and says are the kinds of things we felt and done when we were her age.
The dynamics are solid, from Punky and her friends. Like her back and forth with her dog which is always funny and sweet, Brandon really does back her up just as she does in return. Punky and Cherrie, Punky really helps Cherrie be a little more assertive but also just to enjoy what life has to offer.
However the heart to me is really in the dynamic between both Henry and Punky. It really works as we see its sort or represents as it has many kinds of dynamics wrapped up in one. As it's sort of your single parent dynamic only, instead of the mom and daughter or father and son; this time it's father and daughter which was uncommon at the time. But this dynamic is also your past and present, as well as old and young. But we see as both of them come together they really do balance each other out, fill in that missing part of their lives which makes it all the more touching.
Indeed Punky truly is good for Henry as we see from a past episode or two and some of the depth on him, his life wasn't really all that great the guy was living alone, he wasn't happy, somewhat antisocial and worst of all despite a career in photography in which the purpose of it is to capture life he is missing out on life itself. But once Punky came into his life, her presence has actually made Henry's life a little brighter and we see he reconnects with life, becomes more outgoing and find out what more life has to offer.
Henry is the parent figure she very much needs, someone to help give her stability, telling her to slow down a little and not go too fast or she really will miss most of what life has to offer; but most importantly love in which Punky's real absent parents failed to provide.
If your into vintage sitcoms this is one to check out, Punky just like the amount of color she wears has a lot of spunk and a lot of heart.
Rating: 3 and a half stars
The show was truly a phenomon as it did spawn an animated series which I saw and enjoyed, despite the fact it's one of those animated oddities and by today's standards I find it ok, a fun time waster. Heck there was even recently a licensed comic book run on this show which was actually pretty good. As well as a couple of skits from the show "Robot Chicken" in which Soleil got to voice Punky. From those alone it just goes to show how timeless this show truly is.
The show has an interesting two-way effect, from enjoying it as a kid. And even as I watch the show now I still have fun with it because it's not just gives me the nolstagic vibe but also a journalistic viewpoint on what being a kid was like back then. I even like how watch this show could also be somewhat of a history lesson as it really shows a little of what being a kid in the 80's was like, as this show truly has the 80's decade written all over it.
I really love the theme song, it's one of my favorite theme songs of all time, it's not just catchy but also really touching as it has this cheerful vibe to it.
The characters are all great from supporting characters like Margo. She's pretty much the rich and spoiled side of things. I really like how vanity obsessed she is almost as much as Kat on "Red Dwarf". But what I like about her is deep down that vain exterior she really does have a heart, she does care about her friends and having friends even though she doesn't always show it.
Cherie played by Cherie Johnson whom of course you may know as Maxine in "Family Matters". She's a really good number two for Punky, I like that her character is sort of on the shy and slightly non confidant side. But isn't afraid to help and be there when Punky needs it.
Henry played well by George Gaynes whom I of course also remember him as Eric Lasard in the "Police Academy" series. He's the father figure, I like how he can be a bit of a grouch sometimes when either Punky or anyone else mainly Cherie's aunt gives him a bit of grief.
Sandy whom play's Punky's dog Brandon whom is a golden retriever which is cool as my favorite kind of dog. He's cute and just well trained, it's kind of amazing how the dog really is on cue when ever the actors finish certain lines, he responds like that. It's even funny whenever the characters talk with Brandon and whenever he barks, they automatically know what he's saying, makes me wonder if Punky and company have gain telepathy.
And of course, Punky Brewster herself, played well by Soleil Moon Frye whom I think is an underrated comedic actress. She was my first celebrity crush (no surprise), she was just so beautiful inside and out, even today she still is. Anyway, it's hard not to love this character Punky; this character just had a lot of spunk hence her name. She has this naive innocence and I really love how energetic, active, and confidant she really is which goes with her famous expressive catch phrase "Punky Power".
From her bright colorful wardrobe which almost makes her as colorful as a Rainbow Brite doll or even the sixth Doctor's outfit from "Doctor Who". Which makes sense as bright colorful fashions were a trend in the 80's but it also perfectly reflects who she is and a way of showing she a person that does what makes her feel good and right.
This makes her not afraid of taking action like in one episode making a home-made exercise video. Another in a bizarre Halloween episode fighting off that big Shelabob like spider which was cool. Seeing the show now as an adult is actually interesting because the other thing about Punky is she acts like a real kid, most of the things she does and says are the kinds of things we felt and done when we were her age.
The dynamics are solid, from Punky and her friends. Like her back and forth with her dog which is always funny and sweet, Brandon really does back her up just as she does in return. Punky and Cherrie, Punky really helps Cherrie be a little more assertive but also just to enjoy what life has to offer.
However the heart to me is really in the dynamic between both Henry and Punky. It really works as we see its sort or represents as it has many kinds of dynamics wrapped up in one. As it's sort of your single parent dynamic only, instead of the mom and daughter or father and son; this time it's father and daughter which was uncommon at the time. But this dynamic is also your past and present, as well as old and young. But we see as both of them come together they really do balance each other out, fill in that missing part of their lives which makes it all the more touching.
Indeed Punky truly is good for Henry as we see from a past episode or two and some of the depth on him, his life wasn't really all that great the guy was living alone, he wasn't happy, somewhat antisocial and worst of all despite a career in photography in which the purpose of it is to capture life he is missing out on life itself. But once Punky came into his life, her presence has actually made Henry's life a little brighter and we see he reconnects with life, becomes more outgoing and find out what more life has to offer.
Henry is the parent figure she very much needs, someone to help give her stability, telling her to slow down a little and not go too fast or she really will miss most of what life has to offer; but most importantly love in which Punky's real absent parents failed to provide.
If your into vintage sitcoms this is one to check out, Punky just like the amount of color she wears has a lot of spunk and a lot of heart.
Rating: 3 and a half stars