It was nice to see Dominiquie vandenberg in a main acting roll, these at the moment are hard to come by. Vandenberg usually plays a very minor roll in films and you may see him for between five to fifteen minutes a a movie, so seeing that this was a film being driven by Vandenberg I jumped t the chance to see it.
First the good bits, yes there are a few, it was great to see Dominiquie vandenberg in a film at which he is the main actor. The fight scenes weren't bad, Pit Fighter and Perfect Sleep had better fight scenes. The action didn't let up and by the way it's full of blood sprays.
Now the not so good points, where the film is set, it was made for cheap and this is why it is played out in a all deserted town. While fights were good, some were bad, let's shoot at the hero and miss when I am right by him, when this happens you know the film is cheap.
Next time I would love to see Vandenberg in a bigger budget and maybe Isaac Florentine to direct it, now don't get me wrong, Jessie Johnson done a good job but I feel it was a wasted opportunity.
I am giving this film a five just because it was great to see Dominiquie vandenberg in a starring role, more please.
If your a fan, go on you tube and watch the prison break scene he did and then you will see just how good Vandenberg can be.
I am giving this film a five just because it was great to see Dominiquie vandenberg in a starring role, more please.
If your a fan, go on you tube and watch the prison break scene he did and then you will see just how good Vandenberg can be.