A flawed documentary but fascinating to watch
6 December 2019
While this isn't the most accomplished documentary, it sure is satisfying to see the repulsive fraud Bikram Chaudhury exposed to a wider audience. It disgusts me that this man has got away with his behaviour as long as he has, and its painful to watch these gullible morons continue to throw money at him even after these incredibly worrying allegations. The final shots in this film make you lose faith in humanity, or at least, middle-class westerners.

As others have pointed out, the documentary pretty much declares him guilty from the offset and doesn't take any other angle into account. This is a very one-sided take on the issue and morally it's probably not the right way to go about it, however damning the evidence appears to be.

But even aside from the sexual abuse allegations, this man is a true charlatan. His franchised yoga is a joke and his swollen ego has been massaged for way too long. Watching even a few minutes footage of him around other people is enough to see that he is a delusional narcissist and sociopath. Hopefully this documentary will encourage people to exercise a little more caution when it comes to handing over their money and social identities to phoney gurus with God-complexes.
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