Novitiate (2017)
Interesting, But Somewhat Shallow And Disrespectful In The End
9 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was an interesting and sad story. However this is definitely a failed project to say the least.

The film ends up being centered around how the 1960's reforms of the Catholic Church, basically took away many of the older extreme views of the past church, and introduced much more leniency in Catholic nunnery. All of a sudden nuns were not held in a higher regard than that of the average Catholic. Their 'Brides of Christ' designation and special place in the church was entirely abolished. Thus of course taking away the designation in an instant what many nuns had given their entire lives for, to be known and recognized as a bride of Christ by the church. While it is sad for these ladies, or perhaps I should call them 'Sisters', the film really has no real depth to it other than this point. Nor did the film feel authentic to its time or to its characters. The film adds that these reforms are why Catholic nunnery has since almost entirely disappeared.

It is quite clear from watching the film that the writer does not believe in God. This too hinders the film, and to where it eventually leads, as openness in this regard would have made for a much more interesting and effective story, and it quite frankly would have been much more respectful to its subjects. The main young character we follow in the film is really not developed at all, and her supposed interest in God and religion in general is not honestly looked at. For her it just seems like a somewhat rebellious phase, rather than something she's actually truly interested in. Nobody in the entire film actually feels like they have a real interest in God. Since it takes place in a Nunnery, this seems odd to say the least. The film basically comes across in the end as, well it's better that girls are not becoming nuns anymore, and that they are free to love physically as this actually gives more to them than God can. I'm not kidding either, I know it sounds like a pretty ridiculous point, but that is basically the note on which the film ends.

The story is simple, mostly superficial, but somewhat interesting. However the script and the direction needed serious help. The film fails to find any real depth besides the obvious fact that these older nuns were dealt a crushing blow by the church, and basically had a big part of their life's work taken away from them, and that it takes hard work and sacrifice to become a nun. It often shows stereotypical, and occasional fairly realistic struggles with faith among the young nuns, but nothing really meaningful or insightful is ever flushed out. It often feels superficial and too rehearsed, mainly because of it's lack of depth.

The direction, writing and editing are also seriously to be questioned as there are so many unrealistic to the time period things in the film. The strangest being, why is the lead character nude under her habit, and secondly why are we even shown this in the first place? Scenes like this made absolutely no sense at all; And going even further, it is very obvious that this young woman of at least 18, who has been locked in a convent for around two years now, has a shaved pubic region in the 1960's! Just silliness!! It kinda makes you wonder if this film was produced by another Harvey Weinstein kind of sleezeball. There was entirely no point to this nude scene other than to make the film seem less authentic, or more sexy; And I don't see how the film being more sexy fits into the story. Did the minds behind this project all of a sudden decide to give a homage moment to the old 1970's nun exploitation films or something? We are shown nuns getting dressed far too often in the film, without reason. Why? No nudity is shown really until near the end, but all in all it just seemed so odd, so out of place.

If the subject matter interests you, it may be worth a watch. Although this review alone basically gives you the entire story, because there really is no depth to it beyond this at all. The film is greatly flawed, and offers no interesting insights or depth, other than a little of the obvious effect the reforms have on the long time nuns. I will give it a 4 for the acting and because at least I learned a little about the Vatican II reforms. Even if it is a shallow, fairly ignorant and somewhat underdeveloped vision of its subject matter. At least I did learn one new thing and the acting was good, it wasn't a total loss. 4/10.
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