On December 8, 2005, the world media reported that Croatian General Ante Gotovina (played by Hollywood star Goran Visnjic), was arrested. Falsely accused for war crimes by Hague Tribunal which under international pressure tried to equally spread the blame for the break up of Yugoslavia on all involved sides. Certain European powers wanted to preserve Yugoslavia (or Greater Serbia) no matter the name of the country. General Gotovina was one of the few extraordinary Croatian people who fought this war against all the odds and won it in the end. After 1000 years Croatia is again a fully independent state recognised by the major EU and UN members in Januray 1992.
The fisherman's son, born in Tkon on the island of Pasman, lost his mother early. He lived in Pakostane until he was 17, and then one day he decided to see the world outside of Yugoslavian communist regime.
He left home with heavy heart and boarded a ship as a sailor.
Some time later he joined the French Legion as suggested by the person he met on the ship. There he participated in many French military operations, where he was wounded. In the late 80's he went to South America where he met his first wife, Ximenu Dalel. When the war in Croatia began, Gotovina returned to his homeland in 1991 without hesitation to offer his life and services to his new country which had no army, yet.
He was one of the foremost commanders in the Homeland War (Croatian war for independence). Due to his military experience and ability, Gotovina quickly advanced into the hierarchy and eventually received the rank of general, after which he commanded the military operation Storm in 1995 which liberated most of the country in just few days.
He retired in 2000 but lost seven years in The Hague where he was eventually declared innocent. He was and still is considered one of the greatest war heros among ordinary Croatian people who have seen the worst side of life during the war. Series made of 8 episodes has just been released and is even better than the movie.
The fisherman's son, born in Tkon on the island of Pasman, lost his mother early. He lived in Pakostane until he was 17, and then one day he decided to see the world outside of Yugoslavian communist regime.
He left home with heavy heart and boarded a ship as a sailor.
Some time later he joined the French Legion as suggested by the person he met on the ship. There he participated in many French military operations, where he was wounded. In the late 80's he went to South America where he met his first wife, Ximenu Dalel. When the war in Croatia began, Gotovina returned to his homeland in 1991 without hesitation to offer his life and services to his new country which had no army, yet.
He was one of the foremost commanders in the Homeland War (Croatian war for independence). Due to his military experience and ability, Gotovina quickly advanced into the hierarchy and eventually received the rank of general, after which he commanded the military operation Storm in 1995 which liberated most of the country in just few days.
He retired in 2000 but lost seven years in The Hague where he was eventually declared innocent. He was and still is considered one of the greatest war heros among ordinary Croatian people who have seen the worst side of life during the war. Series made of 8 episodes has just been released and is even better than the movie.