Tankers (2018)
It really deserves better than a 5.1
12 January 2020
Ok not just by Russian WWII movie standards (which after seeing quite a few of them) can be about as hit and miss as some of tbe German shooting is usually portrayed in them, this is not a bad movie.

I'm not gonna go into a long review here but, as someone that's seen a lot of these Russian war movies (thank you prime video) I can say honestly that "Tankers" deserves more than a 5.1

I'll just say the acting/script is pretty average but, the action scenes are not at all bad. And as someone that knows a pretty fair amount about the war on the eastern front, historically they didn't do a bad job there either.

Bottom line there's alot of crap out there in this genre and this isn't crap. It's not oscar worthy but, if you enjoy the genre, and are looking for a streaming wwii movie you havent seen yet, you shouldn't find it an hour and a half totally wasted.
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