Cold Case Files (1999– )
Real-life Tragedy into Cheesy Melodrama
12 January 2020
I've watched the first season on Netflix so this review is based on that.

I'm glad each of these crimes was solved, but it is painfully clear that the producers had minimal footage for some of them as the same clips are featured several times in short succession, not even always cut all that differently. I found myself getting irritated, like we KNOW. He ALREADY SAID THAT. It doesn't make for gripping viewing. Better to feature, say, three crimes in an episode than two, repeating the same footage to pad them out.

Even worse, rather than presenting the material in the serious, perhaps contemplative way that the victims deserved, it is painfully sensationalised. Instead of allowing the interviews with family, detectives and the like to speak for themselves, the interviews and photos are cut to force dun dun DUUUUN moments.

Apart from that this just makes for terrible TV, I feel like it is disrespectful to the victims and the people they left behind. It's vastly inappropriate to melodramatise tragedies.
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