How does one describe and give review of such an obviously poor movie.....well here goes. First off, this was basically a love story wrapped in hatred and jealousy and topped off with revenge plus a tad bit of guilt and atonement...of course I don't want to spoil the overall plot. It's a common recipe that's been done countless times and sometimes it works brilliantly and sometimes it works out like this film did.....very poor. The script was full of holes, implausable scenarios, unnatural dialog, hollow characters, and forced drama. The action, special effects, and stunt work were unrealistic and almost laughable. The overall production value was worse than a made for TV movie. To finish off, this film was led by some fairly decent acting talent, which was the only reason I watched to begin with....but the script was so bad that no amount of acting talent could help. In fact, I'm really surprised some of them even signed on to this project, they must not have read the script or something. Anyway, I rated this film a 5, which is barely watchable on my scale, so don't waste your time.