Katha Sangama (2019)
A Bland, Horribly Written Set of Shorts Hiding behind Puttanna's Poster
14 January 2020
7 stories. 7 directors. Not one worth (Well 'Lacchavva' had better acting though).

What do you do when you have horrible short stories that you want to make as a feature length film? You use a famous director of the past as your poster boy, smear it with music and bring in the known faces to cover up the weak, shabbily written stories that were promoted using '7 stories - 7 directors - dedicated to Puttanna Kangal'.

1. Rainbowland. 1/10 A couple and a little school going daughter. The father narrates a bed time story about Rainbowland and the daughter insists on being taken to Rainbowland the next day. What happens the next day is the story. In short, there isn't any. The kid unfortunately is forced to deliver the dialogues and is very conscious. Kishore and Yagna are good in their roles.

2. Satya Katha Prasanga. 2/10 Prakash Belawadi takes the lead here of a single father of a working son. It's Prakash's last day at the office, as he is off to retire the next day. How he feels is the crux of the story. But then this should have been one sequence in a film/ short film and they pulled it to make it an entire shot film.

3. Girgitle. 3/10 Raj and Amrutha play the lead. Raj's angry moments are so much as in OMK. There were no difference in character between these two films. Raj is a jobless man and his love is played by Amrutha Naik. Amrutha is angry that he has no job and they fight at the beach which results in a violent act which changes the 'drama' into a 'sci-fi'. The idea is used by Hollywood so many times that watching it again is definitely a no joy. Unfortunately the director/ writer has no clue how 'such' movies work and hence a lot of logical errors in the film could be seen. BTW, bad editing.

4. Utthara. 1/10 Pramod Shetty leads this short. He attends a seminar by a news media personality, at one of his former students' college. But he has an ulterior motive. What the motive is and how it fans out is the story. Very talkie and the dialogues too don't hold you. The end had an off moment with breaking the 4th wall.

5. Paduvaaraahalli. 1/10 This one goes off track in terms of the time line - a pre-independent era. Avinash takes the lead. Having Voice Over itself is a put off but having it in a short film is a shame. This one has not just a voice over explaining the beginning of the story like a narration but also makes one wonder why watch a movie when you can hear it. An Indian officer working for the British comes to a saloon for a shave. A light conversation later, the barber is conflicted if he should kill the officer or not. This is inspired by a famous European (if am not wrong) short story. Seriously very childish film. Shame.

6. Sagara Sangama. 1/10 Haripriya is in the driver's seat literally, with Rishab Shetty in an over dramatic look. Bad editing. Haripriya has a broken car in the middle of a road beside the sea shore. There's no help when an Rishab Shetty with a flimsy look walks by with a street dog. You will know what the film is about the moment Rishab comes closer to Haripriya. Rest of the short is an example of how not to write a film/ short. Shame.

7. Lacchavva. 6/10 People have gone gaga over this story but then again, it's OK. But because every other story is so bad, this looks like a cup of elixir. But what stands out is the leading lady who has also worked in the acclaimed Kannada film, 'Thithi'. She is a natural. Even the extras, like the auto guy, shop keepers etc were very good at their dialogue delivery. The story is 'not bad' though. But this reminded me of certain moments of the second half of the super hit Kannada film 'Jogi'. If it wasn't for the lead actress who is actually from Hubli and hence the perfect pronunciation, this short would have been another dud.

All those who have given a 10/10 either have no clue about numbers or they are from the film crew. Shame. My mother and my aunt watched this in the theater though I told her it will disappoint her and it did. She said the last short was good, everything else was a waste. I saw it on Prime.
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