A ghostly plain and the dark spaces of an old furnace are the background to this burning noir, where in a claustrophobic atmosphere of tension three characters repel each other and attract each other moved more by an exasperated instinct of "survival" than by a conscious psychological implication. Among them, ambiguous and implacable, there is an intruder who will bring to the surface the background of their apparently casual encounter. The imagery of this movie is forged by mixing a very strong, sometimes harsh, realistic level with a more psychological and destabilizing one that opens up unusual drifts in a codified genre such as the revenge movie. The greatest merit of this film probably remains its extraneousness to a cinematographic panorama that requires instead of framing any story, any character. Occasionally you need less reassuring universes and emotions, and "Senza lasciare traccia" gives you this kind of visual experience with force.