FriendZone (2011– )
Seems scripted, Reactions Seem Real
20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My friend and I do everything together and I realized I liked her/him after X happened. Do they feel the same?

Under the guise of Friend A having a blind date and their best friend Friend B giving them tips, they get to the spot and Friend A tells Friend B that the date is for them. Reactions are either "I feel the same way" or "I'm sorry but I don't feel the same"

When they feel the same, both have felt it but didn't want to risk losing their strong friendship. Others crash and burn

When rejection is the outcome, some moved on from it and become stronger, others aren't the same anymore while others fall apart.

None of this is surprising because those things happen, and that's life

As a hopeless romantic, it keeps me hooked and seeing the result is kind of interesting. Wish there were more gay male friends cast

FriendZone has received some criticism for being scripted as in an episode with Jamal (and Mia?) was actually a basketball player before he was drafted named Reggie something (not sure the episode)
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