Even by having some really good actors in this doesn't make for a great show. The most annoying and miscast of them all is Shane Jacobsen. Not a fan to start with but he really test your patience in this. Overrated as a singer, songwriter in the show, you/I can't warm to him at all. Sanctimonious and full of himself, he just doesn't pull off the character at all. Stephen Curry as the comedian is not one bit funny and is he suppose to be some stud muffin? It's like the woman are cueing up for him. There's nothing interesting or appealing about him. Chai Li the adopted sister is also quite unlikeable. After a failed marriage which doesn't even get of the ground as the groom leaves her standing at the alter she then proceeds to flit from one guy to the other, hard to know whether if it's for being rejected or for some quick gratification. Ironically ends up with Stephen Curry's character who was like the not quite adopted son of her parents as Chai Latte(as I call her)was actually adopted by these people. All a bit confusing, as close to incest as you can get without them sharing a drop of blood. Luce(Jacobson's daughter by his first relationship is so wooden that from the beginning of the show till the end her voice doesn't change in pitch or delivery. One of the most monotone voices I've ever heard. As for the rest of the shows characters, well they probably saved it from being a total flop, just. The characters don't really develop at all which you then ask yourself, what's the whole point of this show. Watch it if you're more into soap operas than good quality shows like Love my Way.