Undercover High (2014– )
Cute show with funny pranks
17 March 2020
While channel surfing I ran across this show on the Disney channel in March 2020 and thought it was well done and after seeing a few episodes, while obviously some episodes were funnier than others, I thought most were quite hilarious watching gullible high school students being pranked and often scared. Unlike the super negative review here of the person who said he/she went to 4 high schools and thought everything was "scripted" (I assume he/she meant the students were told they were being pranked ahead of time), I did not see any evidence of that. Also unlike that negative Nancy reviewer, I also thought the cute blonde girl hosting the couple of 2014 episodes I saw was just fine (named Lisa Gilroy I think) and not a bad actress at all and was a good bubbly host. I am 70 years old and only went to one high school and recall how dumb many students were and still are. I could not care less if this show is a re-run from several years ago, it made me laugh. I am a just retired litigation lawyer so maybe what some people regard as a silly prank show I enjoy as an occasional escape from thinking about my serious profession.
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