Eyewitness (1956)
Oodles of suspense.
28 March 2020
One night Lucy argues with her husband, in anger she runs off to the cinema. Leaving the film early she witnesses two men rob the cinema, one of them, Wade kills the Cinema manager, Lucy runs off in fear, and faces a night of sheer terror.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, I had expected a bit of a pot boiler, but far from it, it's a very good plot, with some excellent characters, and some real tense moments.

It has touches of melodrama at the beginning and end, but the main core of the film is a suspenseful thriller, with Lucy placed in permanently danger.

The patients are lovely characters, particularly Mrs Hudson, Grandma, she was so amusing. Sinden and Pavlow are just great here.

I'd recommend it, 8/10.
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