Khul Ja Sim Sim is an comedy series directed by Ravikant Singh and stars Nikhita Chopra, Kundan Kumar and Devesh Siwal.
The description of the series is erotic comedy but trust me the series is neither comedy nor erotic, this is pure torture. The acting is just pathetic and the dialogue writer has tried to create comedy by senseless one liners which will not make you laugh.
Screenplay is poor. The plot is very very predictable. There are lots of low budget series available which are good to watch. Please avoid this crap.
The description of the series is erotic comedy but trust me the series is neither comedy nor erotic, this is pure torture. The acting is just pathetic and the dialogue writer has tried to create comedy by senseless one liners which will not make you laugh.
Screenplay is poor. The plot is very very predictable. There are lots of low budget series available which are good to watch. Please avoid this crap.