Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
Good Stuff
2 May 2020
The movie itself is typical B movie action fare. The type of movie Bruce Willis and Jeremy Irons would have headlined a generation ago. Better acted than most, and filming on location in gritty downtown Detroit added a nice atmosphere. It's actually beautifully shot, with Hemsworth and Walz delivering solidly.

A word about the format, since a few commenters are complaining. This movie is not meant to be binged, and it's not an episodic TV show in the traditional sense. It's more like a return to the serial. 60 years ago, if you went to the movies, while waiting for the feature, you would see a one reel serial, about 10 minutes. It might be Buck Rogers, or the Lone Ranger, or something long forgotten. It would continue week after week. Each one would have a cliffhanger to bring you back.

I watched this movie in 1, sometimes 2, episode bursts, when I had a little free time during the workday. It was a great escape.
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