In a bleak future humans force mutants known as deviants to participate in a brutal televised show in which they fight each other to the death. It's up to the mutants to stand up to their cruel human oppressors.
Writer/director Joe Lujan relates the engrossing and enjoyable story at a constant pace, offers a vivid depiction of a grim futuristic society, maintains a tough gritty tone throughout, and stages the exciting fight scenes with skill and aplomb. Moreover, the severe emotional toll th fighting takes on its participants gives this movie an extra substantial emotional wallop. Eric Roberts portrays evil mastermind Dominion Harvey with deliciously wicked lip-smacking wicked relish. Moreover, there are fine contributions from Jackie Gerhardy as the tender Trikalypse, Taylor Kilgore as the perky Iro, Lindsay Cruz as the ruthless Dekay, Tom Sizemore as the angry Bloodshed, Christian Larson as the resigned The Charge, Mark Justice as the lethal Blackout, and Tori Imlach as cocky champion Nyx Moros. July Castillo's sharp widescreen cinematography provides an appropriately dark and moody look. Eric Dyer's pumping score hits the stirring spot. A cool flick.
Writer/director Joe Lujan relates the engrossing and enjoyable story at a constant pace, offers a vivid depiction of a grim futuristic society, maintains a tough gritty tone throughout, and stages the exciting fight scenes with skill and aplomb. Moreover, the severe emotional toll th fighting takes on its participants gives this movie an extra substantial emotional wallop. Eric Roberts portrays evil mastermind Dominion Harvey with deliciously wicked lip-smacking wicked relish. Moreover, there are fine contributions from Jackie Gerhardy as the tender Trikalypse, Taylor Kilgore as the perky Iro, Lindsay Cruz as the ruthless Dekay, Tom Sizemore as the angry Bloodshed, Christian Larson as the resigned The Charge, Mark Justice as the lethal Blackout, and Tori Imlach as cocky champion Nyx Moros. July Castillo's sharp widescreen cinematography provides an appropriately dark and moody look. Eric Dyer's pumping score hits the stirring spot. A cool flick.