A comic, space-cowboy musical that follows the adventures of Stingray Sam and the Quazar Kid. Forced to repay their debt to society, this duo must rescue a young girl being held on the affluent planet, Fredward. It is like a 1950s tv serial, broken into several episodes, complete with tobacco advertising. Each section has some wonderful Monty Pythonesque animation and a song. The original soundtrack is diverse and catchy; from rock, to crooning, to rap and even a sweet, ukulele lullaby.
Writer and director McAbee, also stars as the singing space cowboy, Stingray Sam. "Stingray Sam is not a hero, but he does do the things that folks don't do that need to be done."
Narrated by David Hyde Pierce, the series has Stingray hook up with the Qasar Kid (Crugie, from McAbee's band). Although creatively a one man show, The Qasar Kid is the quintessential sidekick in this smart/clever/wise buddy movie. The miniature robot is not even weirder than the rest of the great ideas.
It is a film with a world-view, too; subtley political without sounding a false note.
Stingray Sam is exuberant and charming storytelling by an audacious film maker. Cory McAbee is a saint, if not a genius.
Writer and director McAbee, also stars as the singing space cowboy, Stingray Sam. "Stingray Sam is not a hero, but he does do the things that folks don't do that need to be done."
Narrated by David Hyde Pierce, the series has Stingray hook up with the Qasar Kid (Crugie, from McAbee's band). Although creatively a one man show, The Qasar Kid is the quintessential sidekick in this smart/clever/wise buddy movie. The miniature robot is not even weirder than the rest of the great ideas.
It is a film with a world-view, too; subtley political without sounding a false note.
Stingray Sam is exuberant and charming storytelling by an audacious film maker. Cory McAbee is a saint, if not a genius.