The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Now, That Was Pleasant!
17 May 2020
So many have commented already, I'll keep it short. I remember when I saw "Taxi Driver." I was amazed at DeNiro's performance, the incredible visuals, and the wonderful direction. We watched a man fall into a darkness that none of us could possibly survive. But what i remember to this day is being dragged through the world the film presents. There is a line where it is thought that one should take a part of the city and pour concrete over it, destroying the sickness and covering it forever. As I watched the really amazing, frenetic performances in this film, I had some of the same feelings. I reached a point where I wanted cleanliness and daylight. The cruelty from the beginning that never dissipates is all once can hold. It's about human destruction in a claustrophobic world, a living hell.
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