What kind of movie do we expect? Be real and don't follow the haters
15 May 2020
Not every movie is supossed to be Amarcord, casablanca or even young frankenstein. It's not a sin to enjoy a simple movie, to stop the stress fron reality, to take a detour from the horrible things going on in today's world. You're wathching a Happy Madison production, with Sandler's friends, a simple plot and yes, a 50 something year old men dating a 35 year old woman. But i really don't understand the hate; when i want emotion i see Cinema Paradiso. When i want to be really scared , i see the exorcist.... Today, i really wanted to scape, be relaxed, and maybe have one or two laughs.

I disagree with those who said: ''she's so cringe, he's so flat, the script is non existant'' (the latter being truth). Missy as a role is supossed to be unnerving, and the moments of surprising normality from her.....well i can honestly say that i've met people like that, annoying and good persons almost at the same time.

It's not a great movie, but i can honestly say, i'had some fun. And the time flew really quick,

Judge some movies for what it is, not from what is suppossed to be.
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