Review of Bethlehem

Bethlehem (I) (2013)
A serious film on a complex situation
3 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A good film on hard social and political situation in Betlehem. Instead of seeking who is right and wrong, the film explores complexities: the same military officer who co-opts a young Palestine to spy other Palestines (indeed, he uses methods which remind me the first contacts between Europeans and native people in American continent) also has a real affection for him, the boy becomes a double agent co-operating with both sides without telling them, different Palestine groups have rivalries and turn from alliance to enmity at a glimpse, the public eneny for Jews may be the protector against State abuse for Muslims, a respected family may be focus of shame from a day to another, a deecendant of Bedouins may be a leader but has more to prove than someone with other family roots, people in different sides of a conflict may belong to the same community, bravery and cowardice arr not always apart, Palestine National Authority may be seen with suspition by all other actors but perhaps is also the only ally they can expect... Everything is quite complicated.
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