Shot close to my home in CT, this movie emulates what it is to be a thirsty low budget filmmaker, and with a filmmaker coming from CT it makes me smile a little bit. I guess the crew attempted to locate an abandoned asylum in CT for a location but we're turned down from every one, including the abandoned mental asylum in Meriden, CT that u have effortlessly snuck into as a teen with all my boys. We knee then that the security was tight and we would ve screwed if we were caught. That would have been a supreme location but the city officials were clearly stubborn. Eventually settling with locations in Bridgeport CT and Stamford CT, this little ff nobudgeter came to life. This movie feels passionate since its beyond most of us why someone would ever waste their money on something so utterly tripe but actually that's what its all about to some of us. We just want to see something, created by us, put on screen. That's just what was done here. But just... "Play Hooky" is a very low budget film with little to offer other than the found footage layout that many of us drool over. I passionately love found footage movies and admittedly this is no exception. Even if I disliked the final 10 or 15 minutes, I enjoyed the story and build up in the first 65 minutes. Let this movie be a reminder that things are never out of reach as this is an extremely cheaply made film yet here it is, in my hand on dvd.( I bought this movie back in 2014 but am only now reviewing it) Though its definitely not what id put out, at least the guy put something out there to chew on. Meh, but again, decent set up.